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Extrusion Screw Cleaning Malaysia | 挤出螺杆清洁 | 押出スクリュー洗浄

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Guyson have a range of Euroblast cabinets, designed specifically for cleaning injection and extrusion mould screws, which will be able to accommodate your product. Options include extension boxes to the side of the cabinet, to allow smaller screws to fit totally inside the cabinet or cut outs in the side of the cabinet which allow long extrusion screws to be passed through the cabinet (whilst externally supported) and blasting takes place along the length of the case hardened steel extrusion screw threads.

A highly effective process, easy to operate and saves valuable time compared to manual cleaning methods. Quickly removes tough, encrusted deposits particularly within hard-to-reach recessed areas and complex shapes and also removes black carbon deposits from the screws, especially critical in preventing subsequent product contamination.



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