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Fun Facts About Robot

01 Dec 2021
Fun Facts About Robot
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1. The word 'robot' comes from the Czech 'robota', which means ''drudgery'', ''servitude'' or ''forced labor''. It was first used in 1920 hit play, R.U.R, or Rossum's Universal Robots.
2. The world first cyborg robot is Professor Kevin Warwick. He uses his scar on his left forearm from where surgeons fired 100 silicon spikes, tipped with platinum electrodes, directly into his nervous system to receive outside electronic signals.
3. The first working robot ever made is called ''UNIMATE'' from Universal Automation created by George C. Devol in the early 1950s
4. RoboBee is a tiny robot no bigger than a fly and curremtly the world's smallest robot. Not only capable of flight, it also could carry a camera.
5. The biggest robot in the world is Tradinno according to the Guinness Book Of Records. The robot is 15m- long dragon weighing 11 tons that was used in German theatre for the play Drachenstich.
6. ''Sophia'' is the world's first AI robot citizen created and programmed by Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong.
7. The first human death to be caused by a robot happened on 1979 in Michigan. The worker went to the facility racks to get some automobile parts when suddenly he was slammed in the head by a robot who was also there to gather parts.

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